2024 PenMakers International Chicagoland MPG
April 19 and 20, 2024 - Symposium - Hoffman Estates Illinois

Key Dates

Shirt Orders End
March 31, 2024

Personalized Mug Orders End
March 31, 2024

Meal Orders End
March 31, 2024

Online Registration Ends
April 17, 2024
On Site After - April 17, 2024

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Schedule Update

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Contests Update

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Turning For Troops Update

Demonstrations - Check Back As We Will Be Adding In The Next Few Weeks
Details Will Be Updated As We Get Them Worked Out

Necklace Pendant
Rich Coers

Rich will demonstrate how to turn tapered necklace pendant utilizing a DIY adapter. His technique is perfect for showing off different color laminated blanks.

Customization Options With A Laser
Dean Charlier

Color Casting
Fred Wissen

Fred will take you through the world of casting. Equipment choices, material options, and step by step "how to" cast. A must see.

Fred plans to cover resins, colorants and everything needed to cast. Will be covering both color and clear casting in that period.

Clear Casting
John Underhill

Clear Cast creations are not about the resin, but rather what’s in the resin. It not only gives you more creative control over your turning, but it also allows you to appeal to specific interests or individuals.

In this demo, John will walk you through his process of making clear cast pen blanks. He will share his tips and tricks for tube preparation, mold selection, vertical casting set up, and the best resin for the job. He will also walk you through some of the processes he uses with individual materials in constructing one of a kind clear cast pen blanks to inspire your creations.

Clear Casting has been John’s favorite since his resin beginning, casting feathers, snakeskins, seashells, photographs, military buttons, playing cards, watch parts and more.

Wig Stand
Linda Ferber

Working with wood and a lathe is an compelling and captivating experience. I feel our dedication to community service is key to keeping the craft viable and attractive new younger members. In this demonstration I will show steps to making a personal whimsical wig stand that will bring a smile to the face of a person who is struggling.

WIG stands is a national Women in Turning initiative, in the eighteen months since started nearly 1300 wig stands have been delivered. “Our goal is to give back to our communities in this worthwhile effort, especially since cancer has likely impacted each of us, our family, and/or our friends.”

Sales And Marketing
Ed Brown

Come listen to Ed give you a heads up on sales and marketing.

Beginning Pen Making
Mark Dreyer

All skill levels are welcome – Everyone starts with making a traditional wooden pen. But it does not need to end there. The key to the process is challenging yourself to do something new and branch out. We will take wood to a new level.

Part 1:
Topics include the entire process from blank selection or creation, drilling, gluing, turning, finishing, and assembly. We will look at numerous finishing techniques and the challenges of each – from simple buffing to CA and many in between. Working with all the basic tools and jigs used in the process.

Part 2:
We will talking tuning and finishing on both woods and acrylics.

There are numerous steps to creating the perfect pen. Your tools and techniques are just as important as that perfect kit or piece of wood .

The Best Finish for Your Pens: Subjective Observation (Fake News) vs. Objective Data (Real Science)
Steve Wohlgemuth

Ask 100 Pen turners and you'll get 1,000 answers, almost all of which are purely subjective. By using basic scientific methods to change only one finishing variable at a time, and capturing the results with digital stereomicroscopy. I'll be able to objectively show you how to get the best finish for your wood or scrylic pen.

Small Turnings For Other Parts Of The House
Mark Dreyer

This will be a fast-paced class. We are always looking for that perfect handmade gift for the holidays. In this session we will cover a series of gift ideas we can make and start now in June. These items will be mostly practical, but we may sneak in a few art ideas.

We will cover:
- An Acrylic Pen / Crochet Hook / Seem Ripper
- A Simple Peppermill
- A Bottle Stopper
- A Pizza / Ice Cream Handle
- Kitchen Items
- And A Few More

Inside Out Ornament
Bill Witt

Besides pens, there are other small turnings you can make as gifts, one of them being Christmas tree ornaments. And, as with most items we create, there are many ways to accomplish different looks, so in this presentation, we’ll show how to use inside-out turning to create ornaments. We’ll cover the basic steps for inside-out turning with examples for each step. We’ll also provide some tips and tricks of things learned with the process of creating these Christmas ornaments.

Sharpening Your Turning (and a few other) Tools

Differentiating Yourself Without Casting
John Underhill

Standing out in the world of pen making is not as hard as you would think. Most people end buying a blank, drilling, gluing and turning. In this session we will look at many techniques to do something the person in the booth next to you does not have. There will be some basic techniques discussed that you should do every time you make a pen, but then we will quickly move to the world of coloring, painting, designs, simply segmenting, decals, closed end and much, much more.

Understanding Kitless
Rob Nelson

This session is going to walk you thru the tools and the process of Kitless pens. Or Custom pens. Or Bespoke pens. You can call it many things in regards to making a pen from scratch. Starting with what type of Lathe to taps & dies to calipers to the type of metal for the clips. I specifically bring up clips because a lot of times clips get passed over. Clips are time consuming but well worth it. This is going to be fun.

Already 164 Attending

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More Chances To
Win The
Grand Prize

Only -293 Days Away

Topics (Subject To Change)
The Best Finish for Your Pens: Subjective Observation (Fake News) vs. Objective Data (Real Science)
Sharpening Your Turning (and a few other) Tools
Beginning Pen Making
Inside Out Ornament
Clear Casting
Color Casting
Wig Stand
Differentiating Yourself Without Casting
Customization Options With A Laser
Sales And Marketing
Understanding Kitless
Small Turnings For Other Parts Of The House
Necklace Pendant

Featured Vendor
BVV (Formerly known as Best Value Vacs)